Dear 15 Year Old Me Tag…

Thanks Stu for nominating me for this tag. You can go here and read Stuart’s letter to his 15 year old self.



• Post the tag and image above.

• Mention the creators of the tag and link back to their blog.

• Thank whoever nominated you and link back to their blog.

• Nominate 5 other bloggers that you love and notify them by commenting on their latest blog post

Dear 15 year old me,

First off, clean your room. Then I want you to NOT go get that mushroom haircut, but rather let it grow long and curly.

Turtle necks are not cool…not even in the 90’s, so please stop wearing them! Take down the posters of the New Kids on the Block, Milli Vanilli, and Mc Hammer. None can sing that great and one of the groups were total fakes!

Love life advice…boys have cooties until you’re married and hickeys are not cool and they won’t go away if you put a frozen spoon on them. Also don’t sneak out if you’re not slick enough to get away with sneaking back in.

Don’t steal make-up, you’ll get caught. Toilet paper is for bathrooms, not stranger’s front lawns. Any kind of alcohol is gross…no matter how much sugar you put in it. Smoking the extra long cigarettes does not look classy…they only make you cough and smell bad (even if they’re only a dollar a pack)

In all seriousness…Amy, it doesn’t matter that they didn’t take the time to teach you better. It doesn’t matter how much you had to endure. What matters is that you keep believing in Someone who is always watching over you and caring for you the way no other human being could.

One last thing…it’s ok that you’re going to hurt, love, fall and lose those you love…because without all of that to come, you couldn’t be who you are today.

My nominees are some new followers of mine who have been supportive in reading my stuff. Thank you!

Melissa McLaughlin

Ryan Callahan 




30 Replies to “Dear 15 Year Old Me Tag…”

  1. I love that you’re so gentle with yourself. I’ve been mulling over this tag from Stuart and, so far, my responses are unkind. When I look back at my 15-year-old self, I don’t like what I see, and I want to give her a dope slap. I hope to receive some loving, wise revelations from God before I post anything. Yours and Stuart’s are good examples for me.

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    1. Lately in therapy, my counselor and I have touched on some deep stuff from my childhood. And although it could’ve been worse things that happened, they were still things that happened that hurt me. Anyhow, our last appointment she helped me to go into those moments and pull the child-me out, hug her and take her somewhere safe. I know we can’t go back and change the things we or others did to us. But we can go back in our minds and talk the younger us and tell her the things she needed to hear. “I forgive you. You didn’t know any better. You weren’t alone, God was there.” I feel I must add that it wasn’t hypnosis. Just a way to be able to look back at our pasts and not have the negative emotions that go along with it. Kathy, go back and look at the 15 year old you and tell her what she needed to hear. Maybe she didn’t need scolding, maybe she just needed to hear I love you. Hope this big long lecture helps😁

      Liked by 6 people

      1. It does help. ❤ It’s kinda like that ‘Change Your Past’ blog I wrote a while back. We can’t change what happened, as you say, but we can change our perspectives on how it panned out, and how we felt at the moment. I had no idea, when I was 15, of the love available to me and what I could do (share) with it.

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        1. Write about that! How cool. Tell her what’s available. After two sessions of going into a memory that was causing PTSD now in my adult life, I’m able to look back and smile. I really shouldn’t be able to smile, considering the circumstances but now the memory is of the mom-me going in a taking the child-me out and taking her to the lake and eating ice cream in a swing with her. God us so awesome. I give Him the credit as I pray before my appointments that he give the counselor wisdom.

          Liked by 2 people

  2. This is awesome and I loved it. I cracked up about the sugar in the alcohol and the hickey and the cold spoon. Never heard those before! How is the world did you get caught? Please tell me you didn’t go through the front door…

    This paragraph speaks volumes not only about the person you are today but in the fact that you never gave up on Him…
    “In all seriousness…Amy, it doesn’t matter that they didn’t take the time to teach you better. It doesn’t matter how much you had to endure. What matters is that you keep believing in Someone who is always watching over you and caring for you the way no other human being could.”


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    1. I had a box fan in my bedroom window. I used it like a ladder to climb back in the window but my dad was coming around the corner as I was climbing back in! Thanks for reading stu. And yeah jesus was always there watching, protecting and waiting for me

      Liked by 4 people

      1. Haha! Oh my! I was always too coward to attempt to sneak out. On the other hand, I would torture my sister trying to come back into our bedroom at about 6am. She’d knock and knock on the window so I’d open and I’d just pretend to be sleeping. I wanted her to know what it would feel the fear if she would have gotten caught. Fortunately for her, my parents never caught her coming back, they were too naive to believe their girl would do that.
        I have learned a few things or two, and hope my kids don’t try some on me. 😏

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        1. 6 am was about the time I would get back home. Never got caught. One day a few years back my mom asked me if I ever snuck out of the house…because apparently her and my sister had a conversation and her sneaking out. I said yep. Every night for months mom. She asked why. All I said was my girlfriend name. The look on her face…

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          1. Lol oh my gosh! Can you imagine her knowing now that you did it for months?! 😳 My heart would have sunk! You’d think now these kids of ours could possibly pull a fast one on us. Here’s to hoping they think twice about it! 🤨😎

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    2. God brings us through what He considers the best background for each of us, to create in us what will most glorify Himself and bring us the greatest peace and joy. It matters what we do with our past experiences, how we allow them to shape us, and where we place our focus as a result. All the anger, bitterness, disgust we may rightfully feel at the time, and for much time afterward, are for us to give to Him; once we do, we make room to find the gifts He has given us.

      Liked by 4 people

  3. “One last thing…it’s ok that you’re going to hurt, love, fall and lose those you love…because without all of that to come, you couldn’t be who you are today.”

    All I can say to that is “Amen!” and ditto! Yes, we would not be who we are today if we had not gone through many of things we went through. So glad God brought us through it all. Thank you so much for what you shared here. Love you!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Congratulations on your award. Enjoyed reading your answers great advice at the end. Amy you are a very loving woman. You are right you need to look at the past as much of our life at 15 was out of our control. We have to accept our mistakes forgive ourselves for our innocence and naivety.

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