Alphabet Post Challenge

You can read how this challenge came into being by checking out this post. Plus here’s a follow up post where included are links to everyone that had taken on the challenge up to that point.

Here are the guidelines:

Acknowledge the blogger that challenged you.

Display the challenge photo or create your own 🙂

Link back to this post so I can read yours.

Create one post or multiple posts, using a word that starts with each letter of the alphabet and share your thoughts on the word you chose and how it can be applied to our lives.

Be creative! Use words, pictures, gifs…whatever just have fun. 🙂

Nominate/tag as many bloggers as you would like to participate.

Thank you for the nomination Stu and creator of this challenge.


A, B, C,  how could You forgive a wretch like me?

D, E, F, I hide in the safety of your cleft.

G, H, I, upon wings of eagles I’ll fly

J, K, L, with my soul…it is well.

M, N, O, seeking refuge, where else could I go?

P, Q, R, shine down on me, Daystar!

S, T, U, a new heart He will put in you.

V, W, X when your lives have become wrecks…

Y and Z Only He can come and set you free!

My nominees:



Christian Mom


My Jesus is Amazing


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