My Story

pexels-photo-189349.jpegI was born on a Monday…lol. Ok we won’t go back that far. But I feel compelled to give you a bit of my story so you know me and where I’m coming from.

My childhood was not typical back in the 70s and 80s. I was moved around alot between both parents, grandparents, my Aunt, and even lived with the neighbors for a while. My mom was an alcoholic who would go on weeks long binges leaving my sister and I behind when it got too hard to drag us along. Sadly, that is a typical childhood for many children in these last days we live in. That is why I’m passionate about becoming the best mom I can be!

Sadly, that is a typical childhood for many children in these last days we live in.

My teen years slowed down to where I was able to go to the same high school all 4yrs. My teens is when the addictive behavior started with drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes. I became pregnant at 19 and clueless. Lexi is my oldest at 23 yrs old now. Most of the time it felt like she was my sister rather than my daughter as I had alot of partying to do.


At age 26 and many years into addiction with marijuana now on top of the others. I became pregnant with identical twin girls. I cleaned up best I could except for them cigarettes. I lost both babies at 7 months pregnant, they had a disease in the womb that effects twins. Twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome. It was hard and there will more on that in a later post.


I know addiction all too well and the ugliness of it

That loss sent me into more addiction where I would now throw in occassional cocaine use and pain killers as well. By 33 I had 2 marriages, a long term relationship with 2 “step-sons” and now a every weekend cocaine habit and a daily addiction to vicodin or anything that would come close.

At that time I looked for help at a Methadone Clinic where they kept me higher there than on the streets. You pay them weekly and they give you your “dose” daily. It seemed like they weren’t interested in helping me, rather getting my money. That doesn’t mean I’m saying that there isn’t help out there, but for me there needed to be a in-patient detox/withdrawal program to really help me. But little did I know know that it’s at your rock bottom that God can shine brighter than ever!

I met my husband 4 days after stopping the methadone clinic. We would never seperate after that. He was into marijuana and alcohol. We moved out of town to the lake at my dad’s with Lexi. Getting away from the infuences and going somewhere where no one really knows you is helpful to quitting destructive addictive behavior. It’s not ideal for most, but God was blessing me even then. I became pregnant with my middle child, Abigail and found a church and church family that embraced me and didn’t judge me. God has been slowly growing me and changing me into what He sees fit. I’m totally grateful for it.


53 Replies to “My Story”

  1. Hi Amy, thanks for the “follow”, I’m following you too. Please feel free to jump in any time with your thoughts or comments, we all learn from each other. I look forward to reading more of your posts and hearing from you! Grace and blessings!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Amy, thank you for visiting and subscribing! May the Lord continue to give you wisdom and joy as you begin your adventure in blogging!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I haven’t even dug into your posts yet, but can already see your beautiful, courageous spirit shining through in your words. I look forward to joining you on this part of our healing journeys.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Maria Tatham posted to pray for you. I wanted to see who that was. I like the news that you’re willing to provide us believers. I’m not good with keeping up with the news and I’m not good with politics talk, so I’d rather read it like you’re presenting it so I can understand.


      1. The only reason I talk about politics is because of Bible Prophecy is happening and talk about the Rapture. I don’t politics either I think We believers should be keep an eye on what happening but We are called to preach the Gospel.

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  4. Amy, as you know by now, I am no stranger to addiction. I have dealt with some of my own (past) and with my husband’s, too. I do know that our God is all powerful and that He is able to free us from anything. I have seen him work miracle after miracle in my life. He is my great physician and healer and deliverer! So, I cheer you on in your walk of faith in Jesus Christ, and for all that he has done and is doing in your life in setting you free and in giving you the strength and courage to daily walk in victory and in freedom.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks sue as I needed reminded of this today. Sometimes I get inpatient with the healing that’s taking place. Lots of old wounds inflicted in my childhood to overcome. I was down today thinking how I wish it would all go away with a snap of God’s fingers…

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      1. Amy, I am 68 years old, and still some of my childhood injuries surface from time to time.

        For example, I am afraid of driving on interstates and in downtown areas which are heavily congested with traffic. Part of the reason is good sense, actually, because I have not driven much in such circumstances, and so I am not practiced in driving in those situations. Part of it is that I am slow in my thinking, always have been, and I don’t make quick decisions or change lanes quickly, which interstates and downtown traffic requires.

        But, I think I fear being in the wrong lane when I need to get off or that I will get lost. When I get lost I break down in tears. I guess it is that feeling of helplessness that comes from the abuse of my childhood. But, another problem is that I have cataracts in both eyes which are at that stage where they should be operated on, so I do have some vision issues.

        Anyway, my husband is having cataract surgery tomorrow an hour away from here. We just moved here this past August, so I am not familiar with the roads. I will have to drive him home from the surgery, so we did a dry run yesterday. He figured out how to get there not taking the interstate, and then I had to figure out how to do that in reverse and drive back. I also don’t do things well in reverse. I have always had problems with that, too.

        Anyway, so I had an emotional meltdown driving back. I can’t explain why. The tears just started flowing. And, so I immediately went to the Lord in prayer and asked him for strength to help me through this and to heal my damaged emotions. And, I asked others to pray for me tomorrow that I will have the peace of God in driving back. I know the Lord is working on me in this area. He had me write on this subject yesterday:

        I am not resisting the Lord, and I am not willfully giving in to any sin, including I am not yielding to this fear, but it is still a weak area in my emotions that I must conquer in the strength of the Lord. I think it probably goes back to getting hit over the head by my dad whenever I did something wrong, but I am sure that my relationship with my husband plays into this, as well.

        So, don’t be too hard on yourself if you are still finding areas in your life that need God’s healing. We won’t be totally healed until we get to heaven. I would just encourage you or anyone to always cooperate with God, to yield to the Lordship of Christ, and to let God do his work in your heart and in your emotions in healing all those damaged emotions. Know that I am there with you, so be encouraged! Sue

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        1. Sue! I just had a therapy appointment yesterday to go over some calming techniques for driving! Isn’t that cool how God sends us the right people at the right time. I’m a bad passenger. The anxiety is awful. Which gets the driver worked up. Ha! And I’m the same way when I drive. And we (the therapist and I) both agree that it comes from a sense of powerlessness driven from my childhood. I have to drive to Tennessee tomorrow or be a passenger, we’re going on vacation. It’s a 6hr drive at least. So I’ll pray for you and you pray for me! God is just so cool!

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          1. Thanks! Tennessee is where we just moved this past August. Before that we lived in OH for a little over a year, and before that we lived in SC, right near the NC/SC border, which is about 6.5 hours from where we are now, and a drive we make frequently, because all our kids and grandkids are in SC. We are in TN because we both believe God sent us here, though the exact reason we are not sure of yet, but we know God is working. I will pray for you, too.

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              1. Oh, Gatlingburg is a really nice place. I think they had a bad fire a year or so ago, so it might be different from the last time we were there, but we enjoyed our time there immensely! I hope all goes well for you. I will pray the peace of God over you and your family.

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  5. At first I thought I was reading about me and my child hood!! GOD IS SO GOOD TO US! When we were struggling He knew what He had waiting for us ❤ ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Amen-Amein Sister in Christ Jesus-Yeshua Amy!! 💕

    Thanks so much for sharing your Testimony!! God Bless you Sister in Christ Jesus-Yeshua Amy and Your Family members and Friends!!

    Love 💜 Always and Shalom ( Peace ), YSIC \o/

    Kristi Ann

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Amy thank you for sharing your story. I know God is using you and your experiences in a tremendous way. Thank you for following my community. I have more than just the blog if you are ever interested. Forum where I go deep into my life in journaling and studying the Bible, community members, a chat and more.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Ahh! Very good! I’m impressed with Jessy! She’s coming along very well with Biblical knowledge. Very easy to talk to!

        Im look forward to learning from you as well!

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