The Awesome Impact Award!


Thank you Stuart over at Something to Stu Over for nominating me for this fun award.

The Rules —

  • Tag the person who nominated you.
  • Take “The Awesome Impact Award” Picture and add that in your post.
  • Talk about an incident that impacted your life in a really positive way.
  • Nominate 10 other awesome bloggers for this award.

Time to brag on my God some more! I don’t think we can brag on Him enough, can we? So I got to thinking about an incident that awesomely (wait, is that a word?…is now!) impacted me. Ah-ha got it…ready?

I’ve dealt with IBS all my life, even as a child. In retrospect, I can say it was derived from the traumatic childhood I experienced. I spent may times doubled over in pain that I knew well. I have since learned how to get through the spells and what foods to avoid. A couple years ago I had some intense pain. It came out of nowhere and stayed intense all the time. This isn’t typical with IBS, that comes more like in waves.

The only way to even tolerate the pain was on all fours with my back arched. I stayed this way for 5 hours. My husband came home from work to take me to the hospital. Sitting the car was hard since I couldn’t sit like a cat in the front seat! Lol. We had to stop for gas and I called my dad. He prayed for me while we talked on the phone.

About 2 miles away from the hospital, the pain just stopped! Completely stopped. There was no winding down, getting less and less…it simply stopped. My husband said, “What? It stopped?” It did not return. Never had that pain again.

Needless to say I didn’t go to the ER. We went to Dairy Queen instead. And as the evening went along I realized just how awesome God was to heal me of whatever that was! He healed me. It wasn’t gas…like alot would like to say. It wasn’t IBS because I’m well rehearsed on it. My God healed me plain and simple. And everytime, that night and ever since, when I think about it, the only feeling that comes to mind is l.o.v.e. He loves me so much that He let me off the hook that night from whatever it was and He still has, because it never returned.

The Awesome factor that impacted me and continues to this day is when I hear of someone being healed, the doubt doesn’t linger like it used to, because God did it for me, He’s doing it for others.

In honor of those in need of God’s healing and are waiting patiently, whether they’re healed in this life or in heaven, I’m nominating those I follow that I know are in need or want of healing. These people are also an inspiration to me and should be to you too, as they are living with Chronic pain and illness all the while being a daily encouragement.


Julie Peters


Wounded Soul Survivor



Steve Rebus

Kristi Ann

Nominees: I choose you to share with us your awesome impact experiences. I know through your various struggles, you have experienced God in ways those without disabilities, chronic pain and challenges have not. Thank you for your testimonies and strength you provide daily on your blogs.

9 Replies to “The Awesome Impact Award!”

  1. ahhh………so wonderful that God provided you such an amazing miracle!
    Thank you so very much for your nomination. I am truly humbled and appreciative. Due to physically struggling recently more than usual I will not be able to complete the nomination but i am, again, so very thankful you thought of me.

    Liked by 2 people

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