Healed Enough

20180609_144656-1.jpgLast week my family and I had the pleasure vacationing in Gatlinburg, TN. If you’re from the United States, you most likely heard of the tremendous wildfires that ripped through the Smokey Mountain areas in November of 2016.

Everywhere around us you could see the skeletons of trees dotted along the ridgeline of the mountains. It was visible just how close the fires got to the town.


Lives were lost, businesses destroyed, house and cabins disintegrated into piles of ashes.

As we got in the car each day and drove along the busy streets, my eyes were on the mountains and the numerous, earth moving machines sitting along the way.


The shell of a hotel

20180615_114110.jpgMany times my husband would say, “It wasn’t a good thing for the people and businesses, but fires in forests are good. They kill out the overgrown, weedy areas and make way for new growth on the forest floor.” I didn’t see the new growth as I was so far away. I could only see what the fire had destroyed. I could see the charred black trees standing tall and ominous.


Areal view of aftermath of fires that devastated Westgate Resort 2016
Westgate Resort rebuilding their main lobby check-in area 2018

It reminded me of the goldsmith and his duty to purify gold and the process it takes. When I looked at the rebuilding the business were undergoing, I could see healing taking place.

All of this destruction and reconstruction got me thinking about my own journey; the fires caused by others and the fires caused by own actions. These experiences, if you will, stunted my maturity. I look back and see a child trapped in an adult body with no clue. Where other women alongside of me were growing and maturing, I was just there hanging, wondering where I fit in.

Jesus cleaned me up inside starting back in 2009. He got a hold of me and started a fire of His own in me; a healing work. Like how fire clears out the forest floor, He burnt out as much weeds and overgrown notions as possible, allowing new growth to come about in me. But if you look you’ll still see the trees of consequences, blackened and singed, in my life.

Julie Peters wrote a comment on one of my posts other day stating that God healed her enough….got me thinking. I questioned her on it; her reply was that if God were to heal her completely, she probably wouldn’t need Him as much and go about her merry way.

I am healed enough. You are healed enough. The very fact that God saved you and brought you into communion with Him is healing enough.

There will always be residual traces of past pains, hurts, let-downs and disappointments. There will be times of great triumphs; there will times of low defeats, but one thing rings true, He is with us determining our fate and how much healing is enough.

Driving down ski mountain road in Gaitlinburg…area hit hard with the fires…but so beautiful today!



Hills and Valleys Lyrics

I’ve walked among the shadows
You wiped my tears away
And I’ve felt the pain of heartbreak
And I’ve seen the brighter days
And I’ve prayed prayers to heaven from my lowest place
And I have held Your blessings
God You give and take away
No matter what I have, Your grace is enough
No matter where I am, I’m standing in Your love

On the mountains I will bow my life to the One who set me there
In the valley I will lift my eyes to the One who sees me there
When I’m standing on the mountain I didn’t get there on my own
When I’m walking through the valley I know I am not alone
You’re God of the hills and valleys, hills and valleys
God of the hills and valleys
And I am not alone

I’ve watched my dreams get broken
In You I hope again
No matter what
I know I’m safe inside Your hands

Father, you give and take away
Every retry and every pain
And with all you will remain
All for it all!

Read more: Tauren Wells – Hills And Valleys Lyrics | MetroLyrics

26 Replies to “Healed Enough”

  1. Amy, that was absolutely beautiful! I love the analogies!! It brought tears to my eyes and healing to my heart. Thank you for nudging me and letting me know you wrote this. What a blessing! So encouraging! Yes, if the healing involves fires, God does set limits on those fires in our lives, and I am so grateful he does. But he refines us with fire, and that is a good thing for us, too, but often painful, as well. I am so glad the Lord showed you this spiritual truth through what you saw with your physical eyes. He does that often with me, too. What a blessing! Love you! Sue

    P.S. I am copying this reply on my site where you posted the link, because I want to respond to you there, as well.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. We are all in process, Amy, if we are listening to the Lord, and if we are following him and allowing him to do his work in our hearts. Even if we trip and fall on occasion, but we get back up, and we keep moving forward, we are still in process. The process stops, though, or it never begins, in some cases, when we stubbornly refuse to obey our Lord and we choose to go our own way, instead, and that is where some people are, sad to say.

        Yes, sometimes we can expect too much, but sometimes those who don’t want to change will use that as a weapon against us when they don’t want to change, too. So, we need to be wise about this, for, as the body of Christ, we are to encourage (urge, prod) one another to walk in faithfulness to our Lord and to not become stubborn and bullheaded. And, this is because we love them, and because we don’t want to see them fall into a pit, that we encourage them in the Lord and in his word to follow the Lord in obedience. And, it is what the Bible tells us we must do, too, and so we do it to obey the Lord.

        Just saying that we can sometimes expect too much, but sometimes we can expect too little, too, and shy away from encouraging one another in our walks of faith in order to not be accused of expecting too much. So, we just need to be wise about this, and we need to be obedient to our Lord, and always follow his lead.

        Thanks for sharing what you did. It blessed my heart. God bless you on your walk of faith. Sue

        Liked by 1 person

  2. It is interesting to me if you think about it, that we are a society of wanting more, more and more. There is never enough is there! Long ago I wrote a post about what was good enough. My conclusion was that GOD was enough for me……and for all of us, the sinners that we are! HE is not only enough, HE is our all and all and our everything! Loved what you said here!

    Liked by 4 people

        1. Lol thanks! I found it and just read it! I’m struggling with a ministry if mine and this answers it for me. It just has to be good enough for now. And I have to be ok with that. Yeah it was way back there. How cool you’ve been blogging this long!


  3. Healed enough. Yeah, that makes sense. We want to be healed all the way, but maybe if we were we would forget the God who saved us and picked us up and healed us enough to trust in Him.
    I love your analogies here today!
    May the Lord help us not to get stuck looking at the burnt out trees of our lives so that we miss out on the new life that He is creating in us and in those we know.
    Thanks for sharing! And, I’m glad you all had a good and safe vacation.

    Liked by 4 people

  4. Oh, I love that healed enough too. The perfect message for me as I struggle with discouragement, hope and contentment of the place I am in on my healing journey.

    I also love the fire analogy, but even more so, how your eyes and heart are so very often open to the presence of God in your surroundings. You are a blessing!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Awe thanks Cynthia! Now if we all can wake each day and remind ourselves of it. But it’s hard isn’t it? I want so much for a complete healing in regards to my childhood and the mistakes I made as an adult, but I would go on my merry way and not need and cling to God as tightly, I think. I hope your chin is up a bit higher these last few days..

      Liked by 1 person

      1. It is. The amazing thing about Jesus and healing is that my feet always feel solid beneath me now. Even when it’s time to go deeper into my healing, I very much feel the foundation beneath me and know I won’t fall. It’s hard to describe, but I bet you know what I mean when I say it is still painful or scary but there is just an assurance with it that you will be okay. So, yeah, I will be just fine 🙂

        Liked by 2 people

  5. Amen, Amy!!! ❤ I needed this reminder! Going through a storm does not mean God will not send us the rainbow! Paul says to boast of our weakness so that the power of Christ may be upon us. This I strive to do! ❤

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