Formerly-A Titleless Poem..Now titled…VICTORY AT HIS FEET


Scurrying, bending, scooping, gathering all I can find.

I’ve got to grab it all, leave nothing behind.

Oh, over there, that one’s been sitting awhile.

I must snag it, stack on top of the pile…

Of all the things I need to rid myself of, so I can be free.

I’ve heard of the Way, to find my victory.

With my eyes barely able to see over the top,

I carry it to the One who knows how to make it all stop.

Weak arms shaking from the strain

Of trying to alone, hold onto and carry so much pain.

The whole load falls from my hands, as I fall in defeat

As each pain, guilt, sin tumbles down to His feet.

I lift my chin to see Him bend, scoop, and gather all that was mine

I finally found my victory in my Savior divine.

jesus-carrying-our-load.jpgOriginal work by Amy Blount Nov. 2018

P.s. Reader, I’m stomped on a title for this one. Anyone have a fitting title? Comment below and I will announce the title along with my next post.

25 Replies to “Formerly-A Titleless Poem..Now titled…VICTORY AT HIS FEET”

  1. I listened to a sermon last night by Larry Stockstill (Bethany) titled ‘Lord of the Things’. Your poem drew my heart back to that message. Over the things we gather up and even the ones we hold dear, He, above all, must be our Lord! As we surrender all our baggage, we become ‘Hands-free’ to worship, and find ‘Victory at His Feet’.😊

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